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News and Tips

2017 is well on it's way and I have been busy working on locking in partnerships for the upcoming year. Each partnership has been carefully chosen as the best, and I couldn't be more proud to have each vendor be a part of Team Zoefitness. If you think you're interested in being a Team Zoefitness Ambassador please download the application Click here to download the Ambassador Application fill it out, and return to Coach Zoe at:                                            

Rule #1:  Have Fun. Sometimes Rule #1 evolves. It's important to have the flexibility and the mindset to be accepting of whatever Rule#1 transforms itself into. Sometimes Rule#1 is:  Don't blow up your leg. And then, recognizing we have the power to be happy with that.  And accepting, that we have to. That certainly can be a tough one for athlete's to come to terms with; the Athlete's I coach, as well as myself. I usually can do  _____ and now I can only do ______. We have to remember in order to do ______ later, we

That is the question. It's very common for endurance athletes to take time off after a big event or when their season comes to a close. In the last few years there has been a shift. What we know is that after about 3 days mitochondria number begins to decrease. What we know is that after a hard event it is good to rest, and recover to avoid injury. We definitely want to avoid burn out because then, all bets are off. So what are the options?  Taking time off, gaining weight, and coming into 2017

Life is about overcoming barriers. Racing is like life. It teaches us how to overcome barriers. These tools, are easily transferable to real life. Anything is possible, and we are able to overcome anything. It's a mindset. Yesterday I competed in the 2nd Annual New Mexico Toughman Half Ironman. What an adventure that was. Only my 2nd Half Ironman.  Last one was in 2009.  Last year I participated in the Aquabike.  I haven't run 13 Miles since before my 50 miler back in 2012.  Thanks for breaking my toe, in a location, that is difficult to heal! I did

aka.  The 3rd Nipple. Is literally my Magic Potion. Which I keep in my Magic Pocket. I've been using it for years.  Over the years it has changed subtly based on cutting edge research and development.  I've tried different things, added them, kept some, disregarded others. I don't usually give out my recipe, I do charge, and you are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. I did once blog about this:  Years of Research on Vitamin D3:  Cholecalciferol  I have been using this product for years. The BEST electrolyte product out there. Period. What's in the plastic baggie? My branch chain

Leadville Stage Race 2016 Ya'll know how much I love Leadville.  So how can I resist when Athlete and Ambassador T'Popp came forth and asked me to race with him at the Leadville Stage Race?!? I can't. 2016 is the 2nd Annual Stage Race.  The Stage Race is the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Course split among 3 days. Day 1:  Tyler and I at the start.  Yes, we are happy.  No we have not had our asses handed to us yet.  :)                 Ken crowns me the new nick name Goldie Locks. So I will call this

  This is a relaxed set of training rides.  Ride your own pace, with plenty of bail out options. 2 Hours on Friday June 10th 5 Hours on Saturday June 11th 2 Hours on Sunday June 12th This is NOT an official event.  This is come ride your butt off, Coach Zoe needs to train. There will be camping available at the new house. Yes, you will be asked to help move me. I will pick up with an Official Training Camp Next year in 2017.   3rd Annual 2016 ZoeFitness 3-Day Mountain Bike Altitude Training Camp Albuquerque/Santa Fe National Forest, New

Yeah, I thought about blogging about this, and thought about blogging about that. And then, something happens, that changes my life. And I just have to roll with it. This morning I went to visit a one on one client. After our session she says, "Would you want to see the baby chicks?" Of course, I want to see the baby chicks!  Who doesn't like baby animals?!? Well, if you don't, we can't be friends. So we went out to the chicken coop.  Baby chickens are so cute. And there's a little one belly up, paralyzed, labored breathing, eyes still shut.  My