Big Week: Finally completed the 100 up challenge
Sprints I’m up to about 6 x 100, with the Mojo in a run.
It’s not easy to get a fat chocolate lab to run!!
First Road ride since becoming to sick to ride the road in Texas. That was refreshing, but not enough work. Not enough, at all.
2 days off: 1)work 2) too busy, yuck.
Can’t wait to ride today with my friend Jen: 3 hours Zone 1-2 with a 30 minute Tempo. Hopefully that’s a hill.
One of my favorite races was this weekend: Comfort.
Connie showed up in style. Isn’t that cute?!? (pic to be added after ride)
Been eating vegetarian, mostly. Meat has been grossing me out lately. Since, I ate vegetarian for 3 days: lacto ovo vegetarian that is.