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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach


Today, I got out of the car to run at the trail, started walking, and figured out.   I am just too tired for this.  Got back in my car and went to my surgery appointment.  I had a great conversation with the Superintendent of Argyle Schools.  We’ll see if we get some action jackson, or just lull.

So why the heck am I so tired.  Well, went to Master’s Swim yesterday with Coach Tom Radam, the best swim coach in the whole world, Irving Swimmers/Irving Masters/Fountain of Youth Masters.  And well, had it in my mind to swim a 2000, ended up with 2600, and a little bit of intensity.

I could take a nap right here right now, of course, I can’t I have a hot date with the Intermediate School tonight.

Tuesday I had an awesome track workout.  I got in about 4 miles.  They were high quality intervals of 400.  Most of them were on about 1:55,  a couple were just over 2 minutes.  It felt good.  I am totally still in recovery.

Monday, had the most awesome ride.  Took another 5-10 minutes off my total time for the loop I’m doing in recovery.  First time, was about an hour, now, 45 minutes.

One day at a time.

6 days blender free.

Last weekend I was in Florida visiting my Grandmother.  Sunday, awesome walk on the beach on Sanibel Island, saving 100’s of shells.  Literally hundreds, that was totally cool, and tiring.  Swam over 1000, mostly drills at the pool.

Saturday was a great meditational walk with a 25 minute run back.

Friday was an awesome 45 minute slow, but thorough run.  Yea!

Balance is hard, I want to do everything all the time.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.  When that happens always something has to give.  And when balance is lacking, chaos comes.  The freight train, the broken jaw.

The surgeon says I am ready to get my wires off.  Yea, won’t be until next week.  Then, a few weeks, I can get my teeth cleaned and begin the process of fixing my smile.  Which I have decided will include braces, again.

Life is really good, everything is going great.

While I was at the surgeon’s office, I began to cry about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  Why do you ask?  The deregulation in the oil and gas industry, is why.  The deregulation in 2005 that enables gas and oil companies to oversee themselves.  That’s what this whole mess is about.  This same company that is responsible for the mess in the gulf is the same company that is putting in the hydraulic fracturing pipeline in Argyle, TX.  That leaves me feeling assured.  The same deregulation of the oil and gas companies, is what has me fearing for the health and safety of my community.  Gas is gas, oil is oil, and yea, as long as we continue to have such a reliance on fossil fuels it’s going to be a bummer that accidents happen.  But to have deregulated it and made drilling down right dangerous for everybody involved is crazy.  If there had been tighter regulations in the oil and gas industries, this wouldn’t have happened.  If there were tighter regulations on the oil and gas industry, I wouldn’t have to be fighting the war that I am in.

I’m going to go off the wall here and say something  that may be construed as stupid, but I would rather have something like the gulf happen, and cancer happen on someone else’s soil.  Not ours.

I have no idea what’s going to happen, but maybe just maybe down the road does truly lie, 2012.  These tragedies make me wonder how far we are going to push Earth before total combustion is inevitable.

Tomorrow…hmm, make up run, or bike ride???  Choices, choices, we have so many choices.