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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Are You Suffering from “Sitting on Your Ass Syndrome” and Weekend Race Re-Cap

I was.

I get it every time I travel.

I sit in the car or the plane for a long time, and once I arrive where I am going; I continue to sit on my ass.

So today, I was so darn tired, I had(have) so much work to get done, and I had sitting on my ass syndrome.

I knew after 10 hour drive, going through house, 6 hour Bike Race, Cleaning Garage Refrigerator, 10 hour Drive, Hubby to Airport by 630 AM, monkey to school, 2nd monkey to Ortho appointment by 8 AM and to school by 9, then, walking the dogs….All I wanted to do was sit on my ass.

Yes, simply suffering from what I have termed sitting on my ass syndrome.  I knew I hadn’t exercised yesterday, I knew I didn’t want to ride today, I wanted to swim, EZ.  My favorite thing to do in the pool swim easy.

I was so exhausted, I thought I would fall asleep at the wheel on the way back from dropping the monkeys off.

I rallied, I got off my ass, I went to the pool, and WOW!

I felt so energized, got motivated, and have had a terrifically awesome day!

Not to mention I great swim workout:

300 swim

200 pull

100 kick

500 pull ( breath every 3rd, every 4th, every 5th)

100 swim

500 pull with paddles

100 swim

300 pull: fist, Texas longhorns, OU.

How much is that: WOW’sers 2100

Not bad for getting in the water at 11:50 and only having until 12:30.

Today, I was kind of late on purpose.  Being so tired, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to crank out a mile.

So to cure “Sitting on Your Ass Syndrome” I have the cure;

Get off your butt and go crank out something, anything.

This weekend was tremendously awesome, and torturous all the same time.

We’ve sold our house, we close on the 28th.  This is both great, and sorrowful at the same time.

The minute  got out of the Canyon, heading home, I cried, I bawled, I was so sad.

And  I drove, and drove and drove some more.  I got home to Bartonville around 8.  I was exhausted.  I didn’t know what bike I would ride, SS or gears.  It all depended on how I felt.  Getting over the flu, I was so tired, and I am not nearly in the shape I usually am.  Between the 50 miler run last year, braking my foot, and the flu…I have missed a lot of training and a lot of racing.  C’est la vie, right?

You always just have to deal with the cards the Big Man Upstairs gives you, there’s  just some things, you can not change.  When you’re dealt that card, we just have to deal with it.

In the last 2 years I have been through the ringer.  I shattered my jaw, had 2 jaw surgeries.

Then, I had an acute exposure to H2S that lead me to a sulfur allergy, I had to quit 3 races, and missed many training sessions.

What was the biggest point I learned through the whole experience:

It’s all about having fun.

And then, if you win, or get a podium that’s double the bonus.

My Goal: To Ride Straight Through for 6 hours.

Having thought about it since Dawn to Dusk was cancelled after 2 hours, this will probably be the longest ride in near 2 years.  Last summer, I spent primarily getting ready for the 50 mile run in Leadville, and between braking my foot, and the flu keeping me from El Paso, I had only logged 4:41.  6 hours.  I know what this means.

Muscle Memory and Pain.

Bring it.

If I was planning on winning, or wanted to win, I would have put my fast rolling tires on and worked the bottles, not a 100 ounce Camelbak.

This was all about consistency, the training, being back on my old home trail, and cleaning the refrigerator.

It was all about having fun.

And guess what, when I finished, I wasn’t even on the results.  What I do know, is I finished 6 laps in under 6 hours.  They did tell me I couldn’t go back out, I would have if I could have won.  And apparently I could have, because I did not turn my Garmin off until I talked to Stephen, and walked my bike back to the car.  Then, I said shit, oops, my Garmin time 6:01.  I am happy with my result.  I didn’t stop 1.  OK, I did, I peed twice, I stopped once to get my chicken out and shove it in my mouth.  I stopped also, when I was peeling my banana and a guy wanted the pass, I decided it was safer just to pull off, the trail and my banana peel.

I miss Dallas.

I miss my friends.

I miss all the kick ass trails DORBA maintains.

Cramping:  Everyone wants to know the secret to not cramp.  There’s no secret:

Too Much Salt (not enough water)

Not enough Potassium

Excessive Fatigue

I would also like to throw a hypothesis in there: sugar.