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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

2024 The Year I Signed Up for a Race Every Month, and Didn’t Do Any

Why? What gives? What does the Universe have in plan for me? When I hit the concrete running Ringo in March, I thought I knew. Slow down, work on strength, build muscle. At that point, I haven’t truly been able to run more than an easy 3 miles since that happened. My talus was mal-aligned, and had what appeared to be a high ankle sprain. So I have been lifting, and getting stronger, building muscle, swimming, biking. My training has been going AWESOME!! My swim, I got my 50 Meter down to 45 seconds, and my 1:30/100 yard. I am definitely proud of how my body has been responding to the recent training. I have been really enjoying my long rides on the Big Bike in preparation for Stage Coach 100. August 14th, I just knocked 2 GREAT workouts. As I was racking the 20# dumbbells my quadratus lumborum, anterior aspect of my L glute, and the multifidi essentially from my SI joint to the base of my thoracic spine seized. As hard as it was for Tim to come home from his climbing trip, it was ever harder for me to ask for help. I couldn’t drive for 3 days, I couldn’t even put on my pants. I couldn’t lift my left leg high enough to get my foot through my underwear. Everything happens for a reason.

Here is an interesting part of New Mexico History I came across on one of my long adventure bike rides. A

A little piece of New Mexico history. A Silver Fox Farm. I seem to remember my Grandmother loving her Silver Fox coat.

This is the Silver Fox pen. It was quite sad, such a beautiful wide open space. it was like a puppy mill, chicken wire floors, and small spaces.

We had these GRAND plans to ride up at Hopewell Lake over the weekend, it would have been 2 weeks before our Peak Ride. Tim planned out a 53 mile ride on the Continental Divide Trail, going up gravel and down the single track. I have to say, I was more than excited. It was going to be either YAH! or NAY! and no way to know ahead of time. I had manage two VERY easy rides to test the musculature on my left side. One was over 5 hours, boring road, and a negative test on dirt.

Friday night it rained ALL NIGHT! Yeah, I know, New Mexico. HA! We were camped at over 10,000 feet/3050 Meters. We got up, slow rolled, and we couldn’t really get a handle on what the clouds were doing. And rational people set in. It is not a good idea for me to take on 50 miles of unknown terrain, in intermittent thunderstorms. We took to Trail Forks, and opted to go low and ride the Rift trail.

We wanted to explore, and we also wanted a new place to sleep, we ended up driving the Enchanted Circle. WOW! It is toxidAF by the mine between Questa and Red River. It was a true Joy the rest of the drive. Long, some crazy monsoons, and pulling the Cricket.

We truly wanted to stay in Taos, and explore some of that lower singletrack out near the Rift. Unfortunately, we ran out of spots. We ended up at Abiquiu. Always a delight. We started our journey at Lake Heron. I had one sweet 1000 yard swim at 7,000 feet/ 2100 Meters, and made sure I didn’t kick at all!

Of course, I wish I could have swam across the lake, and around the island. #lifegoals.

So why? If it’s not to slow down, build lean tissue, and focus on bike and swim, what, what is the purpose? What is the Universe telling me?


I know for a fact that this is part of my message. Outside of programming, I have not been creating. Creating has always been, and IS part of who I am.

It was a hard pill to swallow. We did it, deferred Stage Coach.

I asked Shannon and Rob if they wanted to do Alpha Triathlon with me in October. I am currently signed up to the the Aquabike. Not certain if I can race for 56 miles. I know I can have fun for 56 miles.


I have done some GREAT things the last few weeks. I am supposed to see more things, and race less, and SUPPORT MORE . More to come. I have a lot to say. Until later soon.

Remember: Be Your Ultimate Potential

-Coach Zoe