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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

21 Miles in 2 weeks

First and foremost, it’s all about Muscle Memory and what you have done in the past for running.  This type of  jump in mileage is not for the inexperienced or the untrained, you have to consider ‘my base’, and that I was previously running between 2.5 and 3 hours per week

I have a 50 k in my training history, from fall of 2010.

I have a just under 7 hour ultra run from last summer 2011.

I have already established with this kind of training  age it’s possible to go out and run 1.5 to 2 hours.

So the build:

Ran a slow 8 miles: 1:20

4 days later ran 2:30, this is very relaxed, lots of breaks, lots of different types of terrain.

2 days later 1 hour hike in the hills

2 days later 4:10 hike/’jog’ to the top of mountain and across the ridge

3 days later: 21 mile run 3:24

This is balanced with 50 mile bike rides, 2 mile swims and optimal recovery.

Recovery balanced by experienced coach.
