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August 2024

Why? What gives? What does the Universe have in plan for me? When I hit the concrete running Ringo in March, I thought I knew. Slow down, work on strength, build muscle. At that point, I haven't truly been able to run more than an easy 3 miles since that happened. My talus was mal-aligned, and had what appeared to be a high ankle sprain. So I have been lifting, and getting stronger, building muscle, swimming, biking. My training has been going AWESOME!!

Last year the Great Experiment was Mountain Man Invitational. The Off-Road Triathlon above 9700'. That experiment went well, albeit I was not able to finish the race as planned, due to some 2020 Post-Covid Pericarditis. My heart began hurting and at mile 85 on the bike, I decided I wanted to live to ride another day. I started the next day, finished the 15 miles on bike, and got in 7 miles of the run, before the heart began to hurt again. Live to run