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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

12.12.2010 Slow but sure goes the Tortoise


Is it ever good to start a blog post off with ARGH!!??  I’m not sure.  I want to run, I want to ride, I have cabin fever after yesterday, riding the couch.  I want to go, be free, spread my wings do something, anything….

Then, I hear the coach in me, “When you feel like coming back, take one more day.” ARGH!

One of the petri dishes I live with brought home a little love from school.  Eventually we share the love all the way around.  I took yesterday off, it really took a toll on me, I was napping by 8 AM, and had had 3 naps before noon.  That’s a good sign to take the day off.

I feel great today, that’s why I want to go.

One must always weigh this:

“Do I want to feel great tomorrow?”

If the answer is yes, that means one more day off.

ARGH!!  Who can I punch?

Last week was interesting and good.  I did a normal workout on Thursday, ran 30 minutes off road at Horseshoe, not so painful anymore, not terribly fast either, but painless is good.

I went to ride NS on Friday for therapy.  That lasted a quarter of a lap.  I was huffing and puffing so bad, I knew I was sick, so I high tailed it out of there.

Wednesday…Hmm…I would have to look.

I know one day this week I had an awesome swim.  I was tired from racing on Sunday, but I did drills, and had a blast.

My face is almost all healed up from my last major exposure.  I have a bunch of scabs but all in all good.  I think, I may be getting another round.

I am having my jaw reconstructive surgery on Friday.  2 nights in the hospital, and morphine.  I’m looking forward to watching T.V. Ghost Whisperer.  I may invite the girls over. Or at least the oldest.  Make sure you get your schedule changes in to me, otherwise, on morphine you may never know what you’re going to get.

My hair is greasy and I have been wearing the same clothes since Friday.  Mmm, tasty.  Isn’t being sick fun?

What’s that smell?

Oh wait, it’s me.